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How To Take Back America Conference

September 27, 2009

What a successful and stimulating conference!  With distinctively spiritual overtones, prayer and action were the marching orders for over 600 attenders and 100,000 webcast viewers.  Eagle Forum, Faith2Action, American Family Association, and Liberty Counsel are to be commended for a practical, faith-affirming, and activating weekend. The church must now respond to the call to active duty in the civil arena.  “One nation under God” must now be lived out, shouted out, voted out, and planned out.  A new birth of freedom-loving Christian citizenship must spread throughout the land.  We must pray and work to that end.  It is now or never for this generation.  The spiritual battle lines have been drawn and the march is on.  It is not enough to stop tyrannical aggression, we must recover lost ground, strengthen the foundation, and rebuild the walls.  May the spirit of Nehemiah grip America’s spiritual leadership with sword and trowel in hand (Nehemiah 4:17) to lead the work that must be done.